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[Suzhou purification equipment] to see what the clean way clean method

Release date:2017-06-01 author: click:

[Suzhou purification equipment] to see what the clean way clean method

  Purification of purification works, mainly physical purification and chemical purification of two. Photocatalytic principle of its work, the air through the photocatalytic air purification device, the photocatalyst in the light irradiation itself can not afford to change, but it can promote the chemical reaction of harmful substances in the air such as formaldehyde, benzene and other photocatalytic action occurs Degradation, the formation of non-toxic harmless substances, and air bacteria are also removed by ultraviolet light, the air is thus purified.

  Mechanical filter that is efficient air filter, to HEPA standard filter, for the effective rate of 99 microns to 99.998%, HEPA filter by a stack of continuous folded glass fiber membrane composition, the formation of wavy gasket used to Place and support the filter boundary, the clean room in the clean room used inside the air shower are used to high efficiency air filter, HEPA network is characterized by the air can pass.

  Reasonable layout of the first to straighten out the process, to avoid roundabout. It should be noted that: the purification room is not the bigger the better, the size of the size of the space and the amount of air supply, determine the size of air conditioning energy consumption, affecting the purification project investment. But the clean room space area is not too small, too small may not facilitate the operation, maintenance. Therefore, the design of reasonable clean room space area should take into account the equipment operation, maintenance needs. Products to achieve high-quality production, staff working environment to achieve clean and comfortable, which require purification works to achieve.

  To meet the clean room cleanliness, which is the basic requirements of purification technology to achieve, to know a certain amount of dust can make the product failed, serious will become waste, which for the enterprise is the loss of resources. Purification engineering company requirements, enterprises should arrange professional staff, the clean room on a regular basis for cleaning, maintenance, especially often overlooked corner.

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