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[Clean color plate] hot the importance of clean construction

Release date:2017-05-09 author: click:

[Clean color plate] hot the importance of clean construction

 Purification construction is a systematic, comprehensive, high-tech projects, simply think about the installation of air conditioning need to have induction qualifications, and the purification room to be achieved simply installed air conditioning requirements: not only requires the right temperature and humidity, But also the appropriate pressure, light intensity, noise, more importantly, there is a suitable degree of cleanliness.

 Purification project can keep the production workshop temperature and humidity and cleanliness within a certain range, clean production environment can not only protect the production staff physical and mental health and attendance, but also to improve their work mood and enthusiasm. Some products in the manufacturing process, will produce some environmental pollution. But also the production process to produce pollutants collected for purification, to avoid direct discharge with air ah, pollute the environment. Qinghai purification project not only includes the treatment of gas pollution, but also to deal with water pollution.

 At present, the ability to undertake high-level laboratory purification engineering design and construction tasks are not many enterprises, so users in the choice of units to be particularly cautious. Should be selected those who have designed or built high-level laboratories and have the relevant qualifications of the enterprise, which is responsible for their own, but also socially responsible.

 Too cumbersome plane layout, can only increase the inconvenience of use, and can not really play a number of practical role; copy foreign simple laboratory layout, nor meet the environmental characteristics of China and management level. Some of the actual project due to unreasonable layout, increased the initial investment and management difficulties, and some affect the laboratory clean air.

 In the growing medical conditions, the construction of laminar flow operating room, a lot of attention to the focus of the hospital. The operating room is the longest open medical process in the hospital. Different pathways into the bacteria are likely to easily enter the body, easily lead to infection. So postoperative infection has been a common hospital, the most difficult to beware of, may induce serious consequences of nosocomial infection.

Related labels:Cleancolorplate

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