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[Suzhou purification equipment] purification equipment, including what types of equipment

Release date:2017-06-08 author: click:

[Suzhou purification equipment] purification equipment, including what types of equipment

  The use of air purifiers to clean indoor air is one of the internationally recognized ways to improve the quality of indoor air. The use of air purifiers to clean indoor air is one of the most important methods of improving indoor air quality. The production process is continuous, the room is not independent, suitable for large-scale production process, clean room area, the number of rooms, the location is more concentrated, but the room cleanliness should not be too much difference, through the selected back to the wind And the different layout, can achieve a variety of air way organization, unified to send, return air, management focus, complex system management, the clean room can not be individually adjusted, maintenance is small, the cost of this clean workshop.

  Clean room cleanliness requirements of the air cleanliness level, temperature and humidity and its control range, anti-micro-vibration, anti-static and high purity material supply requirements. Second, we must fully understand the owners to adopt the production process, process equipment and the layout of the idea of the idea.

  In the application of people worry about noise, damage to maintenance and other issues, whether the use of FFU return air system is also a hot spot. Suspension of molecular pollution control in the microelectronics and IC industry has been increasingly referred to the agenda up, be concerned about the following questions on the situation were summarized and analyzed.

  Transfer window and the wall is not tight and not vertical, not solid, will cause the clean room air chamber pressure can not be guaranteed. Reduce the cleanliness of the clean room, and affect the transfer window is not flexible. Air purifier is the ability to absorb or convert a variety of air pollutants, effectively improve the indoor air cleanliness of the product.

  Reasonable to determine the construction of the starting point to determine the construction process to ensure that the site construction methodical. Tight and orderly, clear project management objectives, organizational content and organizational structure model.

Related labels:Suzhoupurificationequipment

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